the power of responding instead of reacting

Nyota Juane
Apr 4, 2021

Not every little situation needs a reaction.

Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

I’ve been practicing mindfulness. From this exercise, I’ve learned to become aware of my thoughts and actions.

I’ve learned to respond instead of react.

I’ve learned to pause, think, and reflect.

I am aware of my thoughts, actions, and surroundings.

In moments of anger, I am able to soothe my own frustration and let the bitterness subside.

Responding is being conscious of everything: state of mind, word of choice, and others.

Reacting is careless.

Reacting is without thought.

Mindlessly reacting is dangerous.

Moments of anger can result in negative thoughts, destroyed relationships, and uneasiness.

We choose how to respond to our environment and the people around us.

We can either mindlessly react, or calmly respond to those things.



Nyota Juane

Just enjoy it! Writer on Psychology, Self-Evaluation, Individualism, Empathy, and more